A smooth, clean jaw line is considered to be one major feature of a youthful-looking face. However, it doesn’t last forever. Most of us experience looser skin and a sagging jaw line, especially after we turn 40.

So why does this happen? Loss of definition in the jaw is usually caused by skin laxity, where a breakdown of the elastin and collagen fibres causes the skin to become less elastic. Fat pads from our cheek area start to move south with the effect of gravity, and repeated facial expressions cause folds, over which, loose skin can fall. Loss of the skin’s natural elasticity leads to a narrower, less youthful forehead and temple area, and a wider, heavier jawline.

Occasionally, even younger people can experience a sagging jawline. The reasons for this are usually owing to excess skin caused by weight loss or gain.


What can be done to prevent or reverse a sagging jawline or jowls? Whilst some people choose to undergo a facelift (which can provide dramatic results), we specialise in a selection of less invasive, non-surgical solutions that can improve the appearance of jowls and recreate a more defined looking jawline.

3D Vectoring allows us to lift the face using a new European method that gives remarkable results. With the 3D Vectoring technique we can lift the face, tighten jowls, soften nasolabial lines and return the contours of the face to youthful proportions.

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